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Memorial Day: In loving memory of Sgt. Nathan P. Kennedy

May 28, 2012 Leave a comment
In Memory of Sgt. Nathan P. Kennedy

In Memory of Sgt. Nathan P. Kennedy: Photo courtesy of Noelle Pattison

For most, Memorial Day is the unofficial first day of Summer.  Millions of Americans across the country fire up their grills, cook some burgers and hot dogs, and enjoy time with family and friends.  I’m no exception.  But on this day, I take a break from my traditional blog to focus on the true meaning of Memorial Day.

As a veteran myself, I know what it takes to say goodbye to loved ones, not knowing if it would be the last time you ever saw their faces.  I was fortunate and I came back.   Thousands of soldiers and sailors never do.

One such soldier was Sgt. Nathan P. Kennedy.  Sgt. Kennedy was in the Army fighting a war in Afghanistan that many didn’t believe in.  On April 27th, 2010, I had just sat down with my family to blow out my birthday candles when the phone rang.  It was a call nobody wants to receive. My wife Darcie had just been informed that her cousin Nathan had been shot and was killed.

I didn’t know Nathan very well, as I only met him on a few occasions.  But from what I hear, Nathan was a great kid. He was a well liked, popular student in school.  He was gifted athletically and won many accolades as a stand out wrestler.  He loved to live life to the fullest. I wish I had the opportunity to have spent time with him.

Friends and Family pay tribute to Nathan

Friends and Family pay tribute to Nathan. Photo courtesy of Noelle Pattison

Life for the Kennedy’s, his family and his friends will never be the same.  However, 2 years since Nathan’s passing his memories live on.  I’m sure those closest think of him everyday, but even more so today.

Thank you Nathan.  And thanks to the hundreds of thousands of brave men and women who have sacrificed their own freedom in the hopes of continuing to keep America safe.

Nathan on Patrol

Sgt. Nathan Kennedy on Patrol

Whether you are spending time with family and friends or watching your local parade, stop to reflect on those who gave the ultimate sacrifice that allow us to continue to have these moments.